Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Service/Confirmation Opportunities

Hello everyone!

I am looking forward to great year!!!

Parents Meeting

I will have 2 separate meetings for parents of confirmation students. These meetings are not intended for the teens but for the parents. The parent meetings will be held October 16 at 7PM and October 18 at 9AM. Both meetings will be held in the St Joseph Annex Music Room (the little strip mall on 4th St). I want to minimize confusion so I am requiring at least one parent attend one of these meetings. I will be going over a lot of the same information with the teens during our first Confirm on October 19 at 3PM in the PAC youth room.


Service is a large part of Confirmation and putting our faith into practice. There are several opportunities to get service hours this fall, whether you need them for Confirmation, school, or something else. I am hoping not to repeat last year, so please get your hours done early so I am not hunting you down two weeks before Confirmation and you have not completed any hours!

Yard Sale setup and take down:

We are setting up this weekend for the St Joseph Giant Yard Sale and we could use all hands on deck! Bring a friend and help out, we could use all the muscle we can muster! Then come join us for youth group at 5PM, in Dillion Hall! Yard Sale set up begins at 1PM, Sunday 21st. Clean up will start Saturday 27th, from 2:30 to 6PM! It is fun!

Painting Party!

Catholic Charities is starting a baby boutique at St Joseph! They asked if we would be able to do some painting. I was hoping to get a painting party together Tuesday, September 23, at 5PM! Come join and get involved with this worth while project for the community.

Tootsie Roll Drive:

The K of C’s (Knights of Columbus) hold a Tootsie Roll Drive for individuals with special needs and the Special Olympics every fall! All you have to do is show up and hand out Tootsie Rolls to people walking into one of the three locations A.) Wal-Mart at Kennewick on 27th Avenue, B.) Yokes/ 27th Avenue, C.) Ranch & Home Columbia Center Blvd. Donations will go to help support the needs of the impaired. Let me know what time and what location you will be helping. Please do not forget to bring 2 or 3 friends to make a world of difference for the developmentally disabled!
Dates: Oct. 10-12, Fri.-Sunday
Shifts will be 10-noon, noon- 2PM, 2-4PM
We would like to have three or more volunteers per shift.

40 Days for Life;

40 Days for Life is a national event peacefully promoting the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. 40 Days for Life commits at least one person pray outside of Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics around the U.S. I am signing up for several hours through the 40 days. If you would like to join me in praying for the end to abortion and the respect of human life you are more than welcome to join me, or even sign up for an hour with your family or friends. You can also sign up here to take a different time. If you want to join me in praying outside Planned Parenthood, you are more than welcome. I will be pray at Planned Parenthood Wednesday Oct 1st, 22nd, and 29th, from 4-5PM.
Early Release Wednesday’s:

What would everyone think of a possible group service activity once a month from between 11-3PM on early release Wednesdays? I have a couple sweet ideas for this time if there is interest.

Monday, September 08, 2014

It's That Time Of Year

It's That Time of Year Again!

Back To School! 

Get your year off to a great start

with a Middle School or High School retreat!

Both the Middle School and High School Retreats will be led by Reach Youth Ministry. Both Retreats will be focusing on different aspects of the life and virtue of St John Paul II.
Middle School Retreat Registrations can be Found HERE
High School Retreat Registration can be found HERE

The Diocesan Youth Convention 
The Diocesan Youth Convention is a great opportunity to realize that there is more to the Catholic Church than just English or Spanish, traditional or complementary music. The Church is much bigger than St Joseph in Kennewick. You will have the opportunity to hear the (ever beautiful) Jackie Francois and Bobby Angel.
DYC registration Forms can be found HERE

Both High School Retreat in October and the DYC in November help towards Confirmation Requirements!